Acceleration 2023

We are in an Accelerated season. Acceleration is, to gain or increase the rate of speed in a short period of time. God wants us to have the best. He is taking us into a place where only He can take us. Are you ready to walk into that place? Acceleration is a move to a new destiny. He is removing us out of Egypt, out of bondage and bringing us into our promised land.
We are being accelerated to Healing and Life. We should have a new mindset; we no longer settle for something old but believe that breakthrough is on the way! He is healing the total man and He wants to do something phenomenal in you. What was once dead is now alive.
When the Lord blesses you, remain focused, lest you forget what He has done for you. What are you going to do with your blessings? Make sure you remain obedient and faithful in your accelerated season. Don’t allow your blessing to become a curse by abandoning God.
When you go through trials, God will sustain you. Remain faithful to Him, always stay close to Him, and put nothing else before Him. It is only by His grace and mercy that we obtain these blessings. He is about to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we could ask or think. Your Accelerated season is Launched into Destiny!
Watch the “Acceleration” series by clicking here.
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