
How To Become A Member

We are a church that is based on the biblical truth and believes that Jesus Christ is the Lord of our lives and this church. As a body of Christ, we seek and follow Him faithfully. We are a ministry that continues to advance in Spiritual maturity and grow deeper in relationship with God, and the community. Here, at WUMBC, you will find caring, compassionate people that embrace the love of God and are empowered by the Holy Spirit to share this love. It is our prayer that you will become all that God has called you to be.

How To Become A Member

  1. Profession of faith
    If you have never received Jesus Christ as your Savior and/or publicly acknowledged or confessed him, you will be  given an opportunity to do so and also will be given a set time to be baptized.
  2. Transfer of letter from another church
    If you are currently a member of another church, we will receive you as a member with a letter from that church.
  3. Statement of faith
    If you previously made a profession of faith and have been baptized by immersion in another church.

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